

The past months I have been very busy with working on a concept and a website for HandsUP, a platform where we offer affordable fashion shoots, which can be calculated on the website. It is a collaboration with Raymond Bloem (art director) and Kwong Steinrath (producer)

Go and check out the website;


Dutch musician, performer, musician, comedian, painter, Herman van Veen.

I met him 10 years ago in the royal Carre theatre in Amsterdam, to photograph him for a lifetime achievement award he was about to receive. This time I was asked to come to his estate hidden in the woods. After driving through the gate and a 1 Kilometer long driveway this gorgeous 1800th century house arose from behind the trees. Workers were busy outside to assemble the scaffolding, and I was told he was in a meeting with an architect. I walked around to look for a suitable place to photograph him, when he all of a sudden entered. Jean Pierre! That’s a long time ago he said. We talked a bit and I complemented him on his beautiful paintings. I decided to use one of them as a background. Not in a way that it would stand out, but more complement the great artist he is. His violin talks to him he said. I made him listen to it .... @muzemagazine 



I post photos on instagram quite regularly 

Lately I am telling a bit about under which circumstances the photo was made. I will also post these stories on here. Hope you like them, here is the first one! If you click on the photo it will take you to it on my instagram account!


Dutch actor and singer Ellen ten Damme. She wasn’t happy with the dresses the stylist brought. So she wore her own. She wasn’t too happy about being photographed either because her boyfriend photographed her a thousand times the past year for a book he was making. She was in a bad mood. So what do you do as the assigned photographer....? I concentrated on a nice setting for the photo. Made sure everything was set up and let her step in. There was silence during the shoot. I gave her some pointers which she ignored. She ignored me in total. So I just waited for her to make a move. After 5 minutes she left leaving me behind in desperation. I quickly checked the shots I took and saw this one. It made my day.




The prints from the 'filiopietism' series are now for sale. Photographed on hand-made film by Lomig Perrotin/Washi. Hand-printed on 50x60 cm Ilford classic FB paper and selenium toned. Mounted on 1mm PVC, framed in black wooden frames with a light grey/beige passe-partout with a black core. Print size 50x60 cm, frame size 60x70 cm. 

Per print/frame € 450,- (6 % BTW/VAT included)


-To see the series click on this link; 'non commissioned'

-To read more about the series click on this link; 'filiopietism

-To order send an email at;  


Beginning of March 2018, 23 solar panels will be installed on the roof of the studio. This will make us an emission free energy factory! Also will there be a more emission- and cost friendly pellet heating system installed. By the end of March we can pay our tribute to a better climate!    


New website for the studio is online! New design, mobile friendly, crispy and fresh! Tell me what you think of it?! 

If you are looking to rent a studio for a shoot, a video, or whatever you are thinking of, look no further! go to


Started photographing the people out of my daily life. From friends, family to the mailman. Everyone ringing the doorbell is being 'dragged' into the studio for a portrait. I want to document them out of a wish to never forget... They may stay or leave my life, but this way they are preserved for ever in my memory. It is what makes photography such a great phenomena, just think of the old photo albums you keep at home? It not only brings back the faces, but also the situation, the way you felt at the time, moods, even scents from your past. Series will be soon published on this website. It will be an ongoing project.go to; in my studio 


I'm very pleased to announce my series 'Filiopietism' will be on display at gallery VondelCS, from the 26th of September until the 10th of October.


Finally found a way to enlarge the 18x24cm glasplate negatives. I am using the same field camera which I used to photograph them with. Converted an old plate-holder to hold the negatives, and indirectly have them lit by a LED lamp. And it works!


Talpa Productions in the studio today, shooting an item for 'the Voice of Holland' hosted by Jamai Loman. I can't say much about it, its still kind of a secret, but it will be aired in October this year!! I will post it on here, once it's out!


New website is online...well, obvious, since you are already reading this :-)

Check out all the new work published on it. You can find it in;

'commissioned' (commercial work)


'non commissioned' (own work)


Galaxy in Los Angeles is actually going to produce ‘Dry plate’ black and white orthochromatic negative glass plates again. They just informed me they will also start producing the plate size my camera takes, which is 18x24 cm. Although I am very enthusiastic about this, at the same time I wonder if the flawless plates they will make will be to my liking? The glass plates I produce myself are full of signature marks, which makes them unique, one of a kind….? I will order them anyway, and find out if this really works for me...


Renovation work of the studio is done! Everything is being cleaned up now, and the last details are taken care of. The building has a great atmosphere and inspires me already. Also the new website is online, with all the information, photos and a pricelist for rental on a daily bases.


(pic is of the kitchen...what do you think?)


Studio is under construction for one month now. There is some great progress being made, thanks to the craftsmanship of the builders and the contractor! The under-floor-heating and polished concrete floor will come in within a week, exciting!


With the purchase of a former community centre, a long harbored wish came true. In the fall of 2015 work will start to transform this building into a spacious photography/videography studio, with a stylish lounge and kitchen area. In this new creative centre in the mediacity of Hilversum, work spaces will be for rent on half-day/day basis. The aim is to create an inspiring working environment which will be accessible for affordable prices (to ensure creativity isn’t bitten by money!). Parking space is nearby (loading/offloading in front of the building), and within walking distance of the train station of Hilversum. 

We will keep you posted on the progress of the reconstruction work, as soon as it starts....

Like us on facebook and stay posted on all the latest developments or


p.s. still working on printing my glass negatives, technical challenges are yet to be conquered ....


when photographing on large glass plate negatives, one of the challenges is the printing part. the easy way would be to scan the negatives, adjust them in photoshop, and print them. for me thats a brutal interruption of the process, because it's not about convenience, it's about art, and the struggle to make it my own. I feel the need to let it arise out of my own hands, and have total control over my image. It's like mixing my own paint, stretching my own canvas.

I'm now working on turning an old 20 x 25 cm field camera into an enlarger.


XXL Photography 2014 books are being send out this week, and guess who is in it....:-)  


(Dutch)Het boek XXL Visuals/Photography bevat meer dan 250 pagina’s met foto's van bijna 150 fotografen en meet opengeslagen 50 x 70 cm. Dat maakt dit boek niet alleen tot een gigantisch stijlvol coffee-table boek, maar tevens tot een inspirerend naslagwerk voor Nederlandse reclamebureaus.


After a renewed enthusiasm for analog photograpy, which started in the early hours of 'the Impossible project', I decided to go all the way back and try to find a 'new' analog method. Looking for signature images I decided to make my own 'dry-plate' negatives on glasplates. After exposure and development they can be printed to converse to a positive black and white image. De results are staggering....just wait and see...


(Dutch) Fotografie voor Kookboek van 'Masterchef' Net 5, Kandidaten en gerechten.

MasterChef – Het kookboek bundelt alle succesrecepten uit de eerste Nederlandse editie van Masterchef. Of het nu gaat om vlees-, vis- of vegetarische gerechten; de kandidaten uit Masterchef tonen hun talent, creativiteit en vindingrijkheid. Maar bovenal laten ze zien dat zij het in zich hebben om het hoge culinaire niveau, dat van de Nederlandse Masterchef verwacht wordt, waar te maken.

MasterChef – Het kookboek biedt je ruim 75 originele en veelzijdige recepten, van spannende cupcakes en ingewikkelde bereidingen met kreeft, tot oer-Hollandse stamppot, tot een klassieke Franse bouillabaisse. Het boek wordt aangevuld met informatie over productkennis, snijtechnieken en verschillende masterclasses waarin enkele basistechnieken stap-voor-stap worden uitgelegd.

Overige foto's van Elvin Boer/SBS

masterchef net 5


Series of scanned and enlarged SX70 polaroids with template painted text. Mounted on dibond, varnished and framed.

Each in an edition of 5, signed and numbered. Size 120x120 cm.


On display at gallery 'Chez Atelier' , Witte de Withstraat 144 Amsterdam as a part of the 'Dreams, Memories and Deeds' exhibition. From 12 February till 12 April, 2011.


In October 2008 The Impossible Project saved the last Polaroid production plant for integral instant film in Enschede (NL) and started to invent and produce totally new instant film materials for traditional Polaroid cameras. In 2010 Impossible saved analog instant photography from extinction by releasing various, brand new and unique instant films. 

So, I just had to get a Polaroid 180 and SX 70 camera (thanx Wouter!)


(Dutch) Nietsverlullende Lullo’s

De mannen van Jiskefet gaan het theater in met de Lullo’s ­ maar echt veel zin om erover te praten hadden ze niet. 

We gaan er zelf toch niet bijzonder over doen?’

Tekst Cécile Koekkoek

Fotografie Jean-Pierre Heijmans


Waar kom jij vandaan?


Romeyn: Waarom komt iedereen toch uit Breda? En heeft iedereen een beugel?

O nee, die jongen laatst kwam uit Tilburgggg.

Koch: Wij hebben elkaar ook weleens vernederd hoor. En vooral nieuwe mensen die erbij kwamen.

Ik kan me best voorstellen dat jullie een beetje afschrikken.

Romeyn: Nou, wat is dit nou?

Door jullie status en jullie grappen. Kijk, daar is de fotograaf.

Romeyn: Jean-Pierre, Jean-Pierre, kom jij ook uit Brrrrudah? Brrrrudah?

Jean-Pierre: Mijn ouders ja, die komen uit Breda.

Romeyn: Zie je wel! Die van Revu kwam uit Princeville.

Princenhage. Daar kom ik ook vandaan.

Romeyn: Princenhagggge! Godverdomme! Daar had je vroeger restaurant Princeville.

"Romeyn: Waar is de fotograaf? Die is jankend weggelopen door jou, mevrouw."


cover varagids jiskefet


(Dutch) Jean Pierre heeft zich aangemeld als creatief voor stichting NoodZaak. biedt uitkomst voor non-profit organisaties die creatieve hulp kunnen gebruiken door ze te koppelen aan fotografen, ontwerpers, webdesigners e.d. die zich hiervoor belangeloos inzetten.


A Valentine's day postcard mailing with a smile.

Send out on februari 12, 2010.

Photoshoot in the freezing cold somewhere in "het Gooi"

No models were injured during the shoot...:-)

A Valentine's day postcard mailing with a smile.


My profile on LinkedIN and facebook, find out wat i'm working on. 

Lets get in touch! Go to;


(Dutch) Fotograaf Jean Pierre Heijmans heeft in samenwerking met Betty Post en Marc van Bree van Kemna Casting, zestien jonge acteurs uitgenodigd om te poseren en hun verwachtingen uit te spreken voor 2010. In de twee dagen waarin gefotografeerd werd zag hij een grote verscheidenheid aan talent voor zijn camera komen en heeft zich hierdoor laten inspireren. De Baarsjes in Amsterdam is het decor geworden van een filmische serie waarbij zowel de setting als het model schijnbaar moeiteloos bij elkaar komen.

Kemna Casting werd eind jaren '60 opgericht door Hans Kemna, die het bedrijf op 1 januari 2000 overdroeg aan Job Gosschalk. Inmiddels is Janusz Gosschalk mede-eigenaar en is de dagelijkse leiding in zijn handen. Kemna Casting is in de loop der jaren uitgegroeid tot een toonaangevende onderneming met ongeveer twintig medewerkers en is verantwoordelijk voor de casting van films, televisieseries, theaterproducties, musicals, bedrijfsfilms, commercials en diverse speciale projecten.

Jean Pierre Heijmans is al ruim twintig jaar werkzaam als fotograaf voor verschillende opdrachtgevers. Zijn werk bestaat grotendeels uit portretten, editorials en modereportages. Naast commerciële opdrachten fotografeert hij regelmatig vrij werk. 

In 1997 ontmoette hij Job Gosschalk op de set van de VPRO serie “Bed and Breakfast”. Dit was het begin van een langdurige samenwerking.

Hemelbestormers, 16 portretten van jonge acteertalenten